Copyright (c) 2016 (735)
Based on the average 8 hours of sleep per night stretched over the course of a lifetime, you spend 1/3 of your life sleeping! So if you live to be 100 years old, that means you will have spent 33.3 years of your life sleeping! Cut Just 1 Hour From Your Sleep Every Night & You Will Be Awake '5 More Years' for Every Hour!
Sleeping is for weak people - BE STRONG!
J. R. R. Tolkein
In this panorama, Dr. Harrison (Jack) Schmitt is seen walking back to his Apollo 17 lunar rover - 'AS IF, THERE WAS REALLY NOTHING TO IT' ! He received a Ph.D. in geology from Harvard University in 1964. In 1965 he was selected as a member of the first group of scientist-astronauts. There was just one problem - he did not know how to fly. So, he was sent off to flight school where he earned his jet & helicopter wings from the US Air Force. He has since logged more than 2,100 hours flying time, 1,600 of them in jet aircraft, becoming proficient enough to serve as Lunar Module pilot for the Apollo 17 mission. He is also the person credited with snapping the "The Blue Marble" photo (
(Think You've Accomplished A Lot!)
- Frank Outlaw -
All the world’s a stage,
and all the men and women merely players.
- William Shakespeare
"You Can Pay Back Only Seldom. But, You Can Always Pay Forward.
And, You Must Pay Line For Line, Deed For Deed, and Cent For Cent."
"We've walked both sides of every street,
through all kinds of stormy weather.
But that was never our defeat,
As long as we could walk together."
~ Don McLean
There are 100 trillion (100,000,000,000,000) cells in your body.
There are three billion (3,000,000,000) base pairs in the DNA code within each cell.
The average amount of genetic difference between any two humans, is 0.2 percent, or one in 500 letters.
If all the DNA in your body was put end to end, it would reach to the sun and back over 600 times (100 trillion times six feet divided by 92 million miles).
The vast majority of DNA in the human genome -- about 97% -- consists of non-genetic sequences with unknown function, sometimes called "junk DNA."
One quality of leaders and high achievers in every area seems to be a commitment to ongoing personal and professional development. They look upon themselves as self-made people, as a "works in progress." They never become complacent or satisfied. They are always striving toward ever greater heights of knowledge and understanding. One hour per day of study in your chosen field is all it takes. One hour per day of study will put you at the top of your field within three years. Within five years you’ll be a national authority. In seven years, you can be one of the best people in the world at what you do.
Don't 'Just Do It' - 'DO IT ON PURPOSE'.
~ Mark Twain